Wednesday 6 September 2017

Stormzy DigiPak

The colour scheme for the entire cover is black. The cover just shows Stormzy and his 'crew' who are all dressed in black to match the colour scheme. Stormzy is paced in the centre and is the only one without a mask, this is showing that he is the most important and has more power.  The title of the album is in a white font in the top right corner and is not very big. This means the focus is more on the artist.

The back cover shows the tracklist as well as the length of each song. The background is just a blank black piece to continue the dark theme. The text is in white so that it stands out from the background and is easy for the consumer to read. There is also a link on the back to Stormzy's website, making it so the consumer knows where to go if they want more information about the artist. There is also a parental advisory warning in the corner to warn people of explicit content. This is because the Stormzy probably expresses himself and tells his story in a mature way and it might not be suitable for some people like children or those who are more sensitive to some of the things he says. The logo of the record label is also placed at the back of the album to try and promote the record label.

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