Tuesday 19 September 2017

Research - Website - Luke Christopher

On the front page of Luke Christopher's website there is instant promotion of his new album. The picture of him is also used on the cover of his album. There is also a embedded playlist of the full album audio from YouTube to try and get the audience to listen to his album. There are also links to be able to purchase the album and links to the artists social media. These are here so the artist can gain a larger audience. If someone was to listen to the album on YouTube for free and enjoy it they could then buy it to support the artist and if it is directly underneath the embedded clips it makes it a lot easier for the person.
Underneath there is a little tab to show where the artist is playing next at live venues. With the artist promoting their new album so much above, if someone wanted to go and see them live after listening to it above, it makes it easier for them as they can see where they are playing and the links to buy tickets are right there.

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