Monday 4 September 2017

Brockhampton - DigiPak

The digipak for Brockhampton, a hip-hop group, is a very unique digipak within the genre of hip-hop so I decided to research and analyse it to try and understand it and maybe gain ideas for my own digipak.

The white background is very simple and quickly ensures that the audiences eyes are drawn to the man on the front cover who is covered in what looks like blue paint. This leaves the audience thinking about why he is like this and what it means. The man also looks intimidating and is placed centrally so this could suggest he is a powerful person. The name of the group is placed underneath the title which is shown in a pyramid for and only the outline of the letters are shown. 

The back cover shows the track list in a colour scheme and font that suggests the artists' are trying to show that they are different to everyone else, as the style is not typically used. We also see the man in a red jumper and it leaves the audience wondering who he is and why he is there. Compared to the other man that was on the front cover he looks a lot less intimidating. He is also place on the right hand side. at the bottom is the text showing the record label and executive producer, giving them credit. There are also little emblems that are assigned to the group to make the album more personal to them.

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