Monday 28 August 2017

Intertextuality in Music Videos

Intertextuality is where one media text references another media text, so in music videos, intertexutality would be where the music video references other media texts such as films and TV shows.

In rap there are usually a lot of references in the lyrics artists use to films or TV shows, and then they will maybe use a prop to show this in their music video. For example in 'Man Don't Care' by JME, the aritst says "Expelliarmus couldn't stop me", which is a reference to one of the spells used in the famous book/film series Harry Potter, and the music video shows a wand to signify this.

Another example of this is from 'Know Me From' by Stormzy. He references the popular TV show EastEnders when he says "I'm a badman like Shirley" and then shows two people wearing masks of two different EastEnders' characters.

Both of these examples are from British artists and they both reference British media texts to try and make a bigger British audience, therefore in my music video, if I use intertextuality I should reference a British media text to try and gain a bigger British audience.

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